Sunday, March 15, 2020

Worship: Looking With A New Perspective

 I've woken up several time this past week singing a song and I currently have it on repeat. It's an old hymn but one whose words run deep during a time when I need them most.

"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living, just because He lives"

This has happened frequently - waking up singing a particular song. Especially more often since I began reading "How To Worship A King". This current song I can't stop singing, is a reminder that while the world around me is in constant chaos, I do not fear because I know who holds the future.

"the understanding of worship is lost wisdom that can change the world"

Did you now that YOU are a priest and belong to a priesthood that was originally designed by God? You are a walking, breathing tabernacle, and can set up that meeting place for God and His people. Did you know that you are NOT a tool that God wants to use, yet we are constantly asking God to "use me"? You are not an object God wants to use and later toss aside when you are broken and not properly functioning. Did you know that worship is NOT a ministry, yet we've created it to be a ministry for man? Worship isn't about the details of a building, the lyrics of a song, the sounds of the instruments playing, the ever-changing effects of the lights, or how many seats are filled each week. You know that you are more than just a spectator sitting on a pew, right? There is an empty space left wide open that you can fill, when you step beyond the barriers of what man has created worship to be. 
This book has been an eye-opener, a refresher, of what worship is, and how God intended worship to be. In the midst of all the chaos around me, both in the world and in our personal lives, I can only hope that my earthly worship is a reflection of what my heavenly worship will be like. Though I am only a few chapters in, and a few more to go, I have received confirmation, experienced revelations, and I am seeing worship through a different perspective.  

"Worship is not for us. It is simply for God"


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