Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Her Senior Year

August came and her last first day of high school had begun. Since her days of Discovery Point Pre-K at the sweetest age of four years old, Averee had anticipated her Senior year of High School with such excitement and enthusiasm. Making several school changes along the way, she would never lose sight of the calling God had placed on her.

I remember so vividly the day the 9-11 attacks took place on U.S. soil. I was 5 months pregnant with Averee and was so scared at the thought of raising my unborn child in a world that was so uncertain. I was crippled with fear not knowing what the future, her future, would hold. The pure joy and excitement of welcoming new life was ripped away in what seemed like the blink of a second. Unbeknownst, God had already prepared, and planned for, a future that would increase a strength inside Averee that she had yet to discover.

Each school year came with its own struggles, especially the first two years after we had moved to a new state 600 miles away out of her comfort zone. Averee had faced countless attacks from the enemy and she fought with such courage and a strength she was just beginning to discover. As heartbreaking as it was to witness temporary defeat in your child, Averee wouldn't stay down long. This was all part of the process for what God was preparing her for.

The innocent days of Elementary came and went so quickly and I didn't think that was possible. However, it was in those days, 4th grade to be exact, that I began to see God's calling for Averee. This was the year that impacted Averee the most. Thanks to the kindness, the extension of grace, and a heart of love from her teacher, Averee knew then in her heart where God would lead her....a teacher. Of course, like so many little girls, Averee played pretend school since she was 3 years old. Every room to her became a classroom and she demanded your full attention with the simple sweetness of her smile and the brightness of her sky blue eyes. She knew she would change the world and would do so with such confidence. Little miss priss she was.

The Middle School and Junior High years, 6th-9th grade, were the beginning of the awkward stage. The stage where she was ready to embrace something more, yet still hold onto being that little girl. The stage where she was starting to "spread her wings" a bit more and stretch a little more outside her comfort zone. She was becoming more social, less afraid, and had a hunger inside her that only intensified. The days of "I can't wait" were slowly being replaced with "I'm so ready". Little did she know, the "I'm so ready" days were already upon her.

The first year of High School, 10th grade, was a transition year. Much like her first two years after we moved, Averee was that "new" kid all over again but she adapted and made the best out of every situation. Averee faced changes that were uncomfortable and often left her questioning herself. She endure medical issues that would rob her of feeling a sense of normalcy like most teenagers but she pushed through with indescribable strength. She experienced loss for the first time, and unsure how to cope with it, she silenced herself from talking through the pain that would ultimately be the start of something that left us feeling helpless. There seemed to be a little bit of a breather the second year of High School. With her first job, new smile after wearing braces for 2 years, reaching a birthday milestone (16 years old), and finally receiving some medical news, Averee was beginning to see the Light at the end of what felt like longest valley she had walked through. Unaware, the enemy was preparing to attack her and she wasn't ready. However...God was ready.

The year she had been anticipating since she was in Pre-K had FINALLY arrived and she couldn't contain her excitement. Her SENIOR YEAR of High School! After 10mths of working and saving her money, Averee was able to purchase a new (used) car the week before school started back. Driving off to her first last day of High School was more excitement than she could contain and it solidified the "I'm so ready" days were staring her in the face with no warning of what was to come. Senior year is supposed to be an exciting year. One that she had prepared for for the last 12 years. The year where Seniors had "SENIORity" and could experience a more "laid back" year . The year they would spend making their last best memories and holding onto every moment for as long as possible. This is a year where the excitement, mixed in with a little fear, was at an all time high and it was going by quicker than she had expected. There were moments when the anxiety had taken its toll, and a few meltdowns came with it, but she processed through each emotion more determined than before. Second semester had begun, and just like the first semester, the reality of it all being over soon was hitting her. It wouldn't, however, overshadow exciting things that were planned over the next few months til her last day of school.

Who knew? Who knew that in a matter of minutes, the year Averee had been so excited for, would soon be taken away without any warning. The last memories she will never get to experience. Memories they look forward to, such as, "Senior Games". Or perhaps spring sports for the Seniors. And although some students have attended in the past, there's the possibility of not experiencing "Senior Prom". Yes, as much as you as a parent would love nothing more than to see your child have all these memories one last time, nothing can prepare you for the heartbreak you see in your child when they realize the one thing they've looked forward to most may not happen...graduation. Yes, there is still a "tentative" date, but in a time when things are so uncertain, you can't help but wonder if they will get that moment. After waiting 12 years for this day to finally be here, What memory will they be left with? How do you comfort them? How do you help them process the reality that this may not happen, even with all the efforts from the district? As of now, her Senior year is over. There is nothing left but the hope and prayer that they will get the one thing they want most...receiving their diploma's on a stage at a Graduation ceremony. This milestone is a big one, it's huge. One they've waited their whole life for.

One thing I am certain of...God prepared her long before this moment. Averee was born during uncertain times, and as she prepares for the next season of her life during uncertain times, she will prove to be a fighter. Averee will be stronger because of this. She will know what it is to persevere when difficult circumstances present themselves. She will know how to fight her battles and Who fights with her. This moment, this pandemic, has built up in her a strength that will push her through ever-changing situations. This will prepare her for a future that awaits her, one that is full of unknowns.


"Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God himself will fight for you.” (Deut. 3:22 NIV)

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9 NIV)

"'Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.' And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said." (2 Chron. 32:7-8 NIV)

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 
(2 Tim. 1:7 KJV)

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord, 'and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,' declares the Lord, 'and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.'” (Jeremiah 29:11-14 NIV)

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Worship: Looking With A New Perspective

 I've woken up several time this past week singing a song and I currently have it on repeat. It's an old hymn but one whose words run deep during a time when I need them most.

"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living, just because He lives"

This has happened frequently - waking up singing a particular song. Especially more often since I began reading "How To Worship A King". This current song I can't stop singing, is a reminder that while the world around me is in constant chaos, I do not fear because I know who holds the future.

"the understanding of worship is lost wisdom that can change the world"

Did you now that YOU are a priest and belong to a priesthood that was originally designed by God? You are a walking, breathing tabernacle, and can set up that meeting place for God and His people. Did you know that you are NOT a tool that God wants to use, yet we are constantly asking God to "use me"? You are not an object God wants to use and later toss aside when you are broken and not properly functioning. Did you know that worship is NOT a ministry, yet we've created it to be a ministry for man? Worship isn't about the details of a building, the lyrics of a song, the sounds of the instruments playing, the ever-changing effects of the lights, or how many seats are filled each week. You know that you are more than just a spectator sitting on a pew, right? There is an empty space left wide open that you can fill, when you step beyond the barriers of what man has created worship to be. 
This book has been an eye-opener, a refresher, of what worship is, and how God intended worship to be. In the midst of all the chaos around me, both in the world and in our personal lives, I can only hope that my earthly worship is a reflection of what my heavenly worship will be like. Though I am only a few chapters in, and a few more to go, I have received confirmation, experienced revelations, and I am seeing worship through a different perspective.  

"Worship is not for us. It is simply for God"


Monday, February 3, 2020

"Sweet Blessings of Chaos"

"Where did 'Sweet Blessings of Chaos' come from"?

My response...as I make the obvious chuckle, and sarcastically ask..."have you seen my family?". 
My husband, Michael, and I have 4 children and each one has a very different personality. Sure, there are the similarities, but for the most part, they are all very different.

December 2019
There's our oldest, Haven, who will be 21yrs old in February. She is very much the female version of my husband; very driven, very focused, political, says what's on her mind unashamed of the unfiltered opinion in her responses, she is who she is and what you see is what you get, creative, artistic, a planner who follows the plan, and adventurous. And loud...can't forget that 😏. 

October 2019
There's our youngest daughter, 2nd born, Averee, who turned 18yrs earlier this month. She is more like me; quiet til she gets to know you, homebody, always thinking of and putting others first, jumps right in to help without being asked, organizer, very motherly, loves unconditionally, sees the good in others, always makes others feel included and important, creative, adventurous, and she is a baby whisperer like my husband. Averee will be the one who has a large family and fill her home with craziness the same as I have.

November 2019
There's our oldest son, Evan, who will be 15yrs old in March. Evan is a good mix of both my husband and me. From the physical aspect he looks, and is built, just like Michael. Everything else, Evan is a lot like me. He is quiet, way more than Averee, and even after he gets to know you. He is very very compassionate, sweetheart, tenderhearted, shy, extremely empathetic, very creative, and always always aims to make others happy. Evan is the definition of a fighter, demonstrates endurance, perseverance, determination, and a victor.

October 2019
There's our youngest son, Gavin, who is 12yrs old, officially becoming our last teenager later this year. He is his own person on every level. We always tell people, "if Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, and Albert Einstein could have a baby it would be Gavin". He is so animated, always entertaining, very sarcastic, extremely unfiltered, highly opinionated, and takes the meaning of strong-willed to another level. With all this, Gavin is also very smart, always looking for opportunities to learn more, creative, extremely artistic, experimental to discover new things, adventurous, unafraid, and a risk taker. He's the one who has kept us on our toes since the day he was born. Much like Evan, Gavin is the definition of a fighter, demonstrates endurance, perseverance, determination, and a victor. Oh...and he is just as loud as Michael and Haven.

Our children are a good mix of both my husband & I, each other, and yet they still possess their own characteristics. When you combine all of their personalities, and add in my husband who is very much like having a 5th child, you can imagine all the chaos that takes place day in and day out in our home. It's crazy up in here. It's chaotic. I try to maintain as much sanity as possible in hopes I will not lose my mind before my head hits the pillow at night. However, in the midst of all the chaos, each moment is full of many blessings. Blessings in abundance that outweigh any and all crazy, loud, and obnoxious moments that fill my day. And several years ago, God reminded me that in every chaotic moment there are sweet blessings to be thankful for, and through it came "Sweet Blessings of Chaos".

November 2018

October 2017

Easter 2018